MeeBlip is a hackable digital synth, developed by Peter Kirn (CDM Blog) and James Grahame, made for "accessible sound and hands-on control."
Here is what they had to say:
“It can be someone’s first synth. It can be a unique-sounding addition to your music setup, playable with MIDI hardware and software. It can be a synth you open up and modify, learning about sound creation, code, and electronics. Or it can be the basis of new projects and ideas.”
- Monophonic virtual analog synth.
- Eight user-definable knobs and sixteen slide switches.
- Digital synth sounds.
- Use it as-is, or use the source code to remap controls or completely redefine the instrument’s architecture.
- Available ready for simple, solder-free assembly with a case, or as a kit, all on a single board. Build your own, or make a different project with the MeeBlip sound engine.
- 8-bit digital brain.
- MIDI input.
- 4-pole active low-pass antialising filter.
- Open source hardware. Modify anything, buy some kits and sell your own builds, or make new projects. They want to see what you create, and share progress. (Find out more about open source hardware and the MeeBlip.)
- Complete kits ship with a custom front panel illustrated by Nathanael Jeanneret
The instrument is designed by James Grahame, synthesist, aficionado of things both digital and retro, and engineer at Reflex Audio, in collaboration with Create Digital Music.
The MeeBlip is built to be a community synth: the MeeBlip will be supported by Create Digital Music and the Noisepages community to help get you started with ideas for how to use, play, and modify it.
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