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Waldorf MicroWave XT Rack
Waldorf MicroWave XT Rack
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Published on 04/19/07 at 17:32




Just to say that I sold and I did something stupid, even if it was to seize another case of synth.
I would reiterate a later date.

Unique synth, weird textures that will surely be far from suitable for everyone, but I really like it.
For kkun who would like a synth original is the perfect machine to delve into the intricacies and surprises that reserves the wavetable synthesis.

This is the opposite of boring synth. It is capable of the worst tortures sound but sounds "captivating" "Cotton" also, there's no problem. It keeps a digital cold side but still enjoyable to me.
The aliasing is important and integral part of the sound of the synth, there are parameters to be determined ... Amateurs its SID chip 8bit and other industrious it should please you. Harsh!

The presets are mostly pity, a shame these synths trancy seen the machine. (Sorry for fans of trance)
There is a menu to reset the sounds fortunately, but accessible by the matrix, which is a bit redundant to use, a lot of manipulations to address many of the menu settings ... the dark side is at least as important if not more, than the face!

Master change, make his own wavetables with samples is not an easy task, with the right software it needs to help me but even with a version of soundiver supposed to go well ... I have not had time to get there.

Some sounds that I recorded, unpretentious (http://samuel.moysan.free.fr/Demos-Ressources% 20of% 20 th% 2C% 20FX/microwaveXT 20instruments% /)


The pellet in 5 rack units.