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Yamaha CS1X
Yamaha CS1X

Digital Synth from Yamaha belonging to the CS series

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Erba Erba
Published on 02/08/08 at 17:28
Hmm, the CS1-X
Cinematic sound excessive ...
To see the specs & re-vu! Ok!?


Bin you press a key on the keyboard and comes out a sound! Cool! No!?

I lugged the manual in German (hard-hard), but the manual in English (PDF) is correct.

Almost impossible to make a sound without spending a sleepless night (I may have softened a brain? Who know?).


It's not the ride to edit sound with this machine, even a system of layers is tall. But with perseverance you can draw good original sounds!
The effects are very Yam, so use sparingly (those with an X-CS1 know.)!
Moreover, "Underworld" has used the CS1-X (I wonder on what basis?)
No do not think I hate this synth ...
Because in fact it is at the top and not too expensive negotiated OCCAZ.
It sounds CS1-X that's it! Na!
The arpeggiator is very tech-oriented which is cool but does not transmit MIDI, which is stupid! (It's true what disgusts me that!)

In short it sounds good and original, because even if the presets are trying to imitate the inimitable (It's still fun to imagine Yamaha inventing the TB-303 for example ... LOL).

The sheets and the moods it's his thing to sum up ...


Always the same (see my other review) I put a note in the context of the time or the machine is out and also to the fact that I am a huge sentimental ...
No, I do not separate my CS1-X may make and great service not only techno!
Simply work on his gray matter.

And the more I like the color blue weird!