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ADJ (American DJ) tri -peal

All user reviews for the ADJ (American DJ) tri -peal

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  • zic77zic77

    ADJ (American DJ) tri -pealPublished on 04/01/09 at 04:44
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Question 1
    for 1 month.
    Questions 2
    the +
    This is a projector that has a wide distribution of its beams and covers a large area (about 6 m in diameter) when the projector is approximately 2.5 meters hauteur.Il has 4 modes of operation DMX / soud force / Master slave / remote simple.La master slave position is adjustable by a dispastch 10 numbers on top. Provide a small DMX to optimize the choice of colors for its program perso.C is a projector that does not heat at all that there is an LED (tri color) is its consumption of 13W (the technical details of this projector shows a comparison of 250 w halogen. The colors of this projector is very lumineuses.Son net weight is 1.4 kg normal!…
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    Question 1
    for 1 month.
    Questions 2
    the +
    This is a projector that has a wide distribution of its beams and covers a large area (about 6 m in diameter) when the projector is approximately 2.5 meters hauteur.Il has 4 modes of operation DMX / soud force / Master slave / remote simple.La master slave position is adjustable by a dispastch 10 numbers on top. Provide a small DMX to optimize the choice of colors for its program perso.C is a projector that does not heat at all that there is an LED (tri color) is its consumption of 13W (the technical details of this projector shows a comparison of 250 w halogen. The colors of this projector is very lumineuses.Son net weight is 1.4 kg normal! whole body of this projector is made of ABS. The dimensions of the projector are 229x292x203 with its grip . It is possible to easily remove the hook with a clip for storage in a small fly-box (height of the hook about 7 cm high). Provide a fog machine to enjoy a maximum color beams that can provide this projector.
    For my taste it lacks an internal program that could provide that beams white.
    (There is the same projector beam 100% white version in the same brand). The doc is the projector while américain.Il no adjustable lens.
    Question 3
    I tried lighting without DMX simple type (and MOON COMET).
    Question 4
    This is a projector to cool effects and well finished (futuristic) has taken her from 159 to 179 € depending on revendeurs.Je think the price is resonable value.
    Quetions 5.
    Yes! I bought 2.
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