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Martin Ego X5
Martin Ego X5
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Cosaque Cosaque
Published on 04/29/05 at 14:04
Trs good products that jai reus yesterday as a gift yesterday. Don this essay on one day.
trs bright and wide-angle covers a large surface if placed high enough. It sagit dune lamp halogne 24V/250W a combined optical quality allows davoir good brightness.
Kaleidoscope Cest the only effect on the market (well it happens that the Chinese parat). An effect that changes the original classic flower. Trs beautiful color.
It can operate in standalone mode or music Ragit much about music, but mostly it is contrlable DMX and has 12 macros trs well done and very nice schedule that allows rapid effects trs friendly and save time by Vitantis to program basic enchantment.
The fan is connected to well before the lamp.
As against the rglage ladresse functions and DMX is done with dip switch, hell, prvoir a tweezers.
The projector is compact and trs trslger, less than 4 kg.
I will confirm my positive view of the machine in some weeks after heavy use.
Conclusion: The effect original, perfect dco wall or ceiling but trs good on the dance floor. The beams in a bit of smoke are beautiful trs. DMX control and trs prcise to deffet beautiful enchantment with 12 core modules dj prt lemploi.
Martin and his machines now provided with three cable industry (taking France, United Kingdom, and over dnudenfin).