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Guild USA D-55
Guild USA D-55
MGR/Cassie Hicks MGR/Cassie Hicks

« Guild D55 »

Published on 08/13/04 at 15:00
i was given this guitar by my grand ma afore she passed. And I'm thinkin she paid alot fo it cause she did'nt eat much afta she gave it to me.

I like this guitar cause it just keeps on tickin. I broke a few strings, but she still sounds great. It was them tiny strings that broke. I dont much care for the way they sound any way. Also, my dog... she chewed the neck part a lil and that ol guitar just keeps on soundin real good

I cant think a much I dont like. Maybe they could make all the strings fat so they dont break so easy

this guitar is built like a brick s..t housse if ya get my drift. Sometimes i leave it out overnight and the top got a lil lumpy but she still plays great

ya gotta get one of these great guitars.
afore they dont sell em no more I really love mine. wish I new more bout that finger pickin stuff.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com