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Yamaha DW10
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LeBeginner LeBeginner
Published on 03/01/07 at 04:24
Made in Korea
Massive table, handle nato.
key background and rosewood Clisse

Finally, if I'm wrong.

This is a guitar-like dreadnough.


The handle is arable trs. The violin is impcable, as always with Yamaha.
The body is fairly straight Paisse same.


I really like the sound of this guitar. on the other hand, but only my cell, I n'apprcie the sound of the beautiful as when the strings begin to age. I never AIM's new ropes. I got too much metal!
Lorqui the strings are not, it dlivre a nice well rounded and warm. Maque It can be a bit of brightness in the treble .. but hey, the strings with young people is not a problem (paradox ...;))
recording, there is a small bump in the low mdium ... playing it, it is easy to give body to the sound. INTERESTED!


I for 3 years now, and I like it a lot. I tried other models before it, because I was looking for. Then a friend I was given the Yamaha (it has offered Taylor GB110), she told me more. That's the whole story!
Otherwise, I would have bought ... ?
Honntement, it's hard to say! TRS is a good guitar, pretty DIFFERENT MODELS I had in the line of sight (Norman ST40, C6 Seagull, Art & Lutherie Canadian ... of what?)
In any case, I, I care!! It remains my favorite instrument!