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Drumtech Intense Groove 22''
Drumtech Intense Groove 22''
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speeddrummer speeddrummer
Published on 02/26/07 at 11:12
Config rock: 12 "x9", 13 "x10", 16 "x14", 22 "x16" snare 14 "x5.5" wood. Rhodoid black circles stamped.

I use this drumkit for 7 months. My lments prfrs toms are really sounding of thunder! However, we must change all skin typing, skins "rock" preferences, it is the one really uses the potential of the drumkit!
The pedals of GC is simply mind blowing! It is fast, prcise and powerful, with a real big base is a real treat! Better than the Pearl, Sonor and DW of quality! The CC is not bad, a little too snapping can be pummeled and GC too! Not too loud but not aggressive enough tonic.
All hardware is solid trs (double base), truly impeccable and nothing moves.

I tried a Drumtech Fusion, Pearl Forum before which a score of over 150 euros and a Yamaha Gig Maker makes a lot more, and even when I took it because the sound is the square ment gnial.

Only weak point; book with a charley and a crash / ride in tle, which twist ds on the first day in your shots. I quickly changed for the Sabian XS20 from Paiste and Sabian AAX 2002 ^ ^ a life-changing!

With exprience, for this price (500 euros) I remake this choice because this price, there is not such a good quality of stuff and such a strong and this, even the price sup laugh on 100 200 euros.