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sE Electronics V7 Billy F Gibbons Signature

sE Electronics V7 Billy F Gibbons Signature

Dynamic Microphone from sE Electronics belonging to the V series

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Public price: $149 incl. VAT
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: sE Electronics
  • Model: V7 Billy F Gibbons Signature
  • Series: V
  • Category: Dynamic Microphones
  • Package weight:555 g
  • Added in our database on: 01/11/2018

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Other categories in Microphones

Other names: v7 billyf gibbonssignature, v7billyfgibbonssignature, v 7 billy f gibbons signature, v7 billyfgibbonssignature, v7billy f gibbons signature, v7bfg, v 7 bfg