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The T.bone GM-55
welf welf
Published on 12/22/08 at 03:59
- Micro dynamic fate vocals (but some make the sound of percussions with it trs "Mowtown) ...

- Nice look, well finished (except the switch, a little cheap, as often with Tbone).

- Nice little trpied comes with, probably for use of type "podcast in your living room" ...

Class ... Cheap.


I bought this microphone for testing "internet radio" ... The goal of finding a silent dynamic mic, not too expensive (to be able eventually to buy a wheelbarrow to the many columnists) who put forward the voice, with the prsence ... Balance, it has not kept t: finally, we took the BD200 (compress on the voice as internet radio, no need to have a SERIES Neumann).


This weekend, a small concert in a bar. I beeps in the group (two singers, a bouzouki and guitar). I do a test for one of two singers with the GM-55 (especially for the look). And Wow!

This is a live microphone, no doubt: the voice is much less than the shure beta prcise branch initial balance, but it is much more Submitted. This micro "rate" a bunch frequency drives, but appears well mdiums trs. The sound is "hot", and is naturally a good place in the mix. Inconvnient: it is heavy holding hands, you need a foot is impractical.

For the price, I think it's perfect for "pub crawl" and the grave ... pter With a good sound