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The T.bone MB55
tontonseb tontonseb
Published on 10/03/07 at 00:21
Cardioid dynamic microphone plutt east edge. Switch. 25 euros with a foot and a (short) XLR-jack cable. Chinese-made and padded book with big bote.


RPTES used some with my band. Bought because we needed a microphone and a quatrime up for cheap.

Its fairly neutral and lacking in dynamics. We must turn up the gain on the sound system. So it has a tendency to lgre feedback. The Berhinger XM1800S sound much better. As my Shure PG58 is carrment class in comparison.

The protection ring in green rubber is worthless.

Report average quality. It's cheap (12 euros only), but the quality is rev limit. A book on troubleshooting and animation plutt that song.