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The T.bone MB85 Beta
The T.bone MB85 Beta
a_lice a_lice
Published on 12/20/07 at 12:55
Value For Money : Excellent
Tbone MB85 beta thomann, 39, does not feedback (compared to shure sm58's studio which did)


I beginners in singing (I sing since childhood but I just will integrate a rock band) and I was looking for a micro reasonably priced and effective. I just bought with the advice I've seen here, because I did not want to shure sm58's I test dj studio several times repeated (not that n'tait mine), we did not get along, I did not get along, I did not enjoy singing, and I could not even grate my song.
"Shure SM58, microphone of references in any case, pro or beginners," he DSOL me a lot because it's not what I thought. So I refused to buy the one n'tant not satisfied, particularly having to pay over 100 for beginners ...
I tested the beta Tbone MB85 yesterday at the studio, and the miracle, he not only works well trs, trs sound is clear, and hear me! Finally! (Srieusement comments because I question me about my abilities in song) and repeats it went off without any concern, everyone silent happy, especially me, and I finally took the fun singing, AISIN that more confidence in myself even ...
I would not say that "the Tbone is the best, forget the SM58" I just think that every vote is specially and need a microphone that suits him, the SM58 does not suit me, and as best seen the price ...
I think it's a good report quality price trs, and I recommend it to beginners do not ruin souaitant and be heard with a good tone.
And I would not say either that it is a copy of sm58, it is totally DIFFERENT, absolutely not comparable.
And in regard to the feedback, it does not at all, not even once unlike shure that often happened.
I can not even say anything about his strong I just buy it, but hey, 39 is no big deal.
NB: it is guaranteed for 3 years at Thomann.