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Sapro BTR12

All user reviews for the Sapro BTR12

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  • chte2bchte2b

    Sapro BTR12Published on 11/14/08 at 14:44
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I salvaged two occasions.
    a typical effect of the 80 ..... or even Advent!!
    12 by 36 by vertical rotations, very nice for the vintage series.
    100% of sapro Franais the great era, they still work very well, I think they are close to 25 years .... it makes you wonder when you see the qualitée equipment manufactured today's rating asia !!!!!!! short of a word of thanks to the team of the DISCOANIMATION 21.
    it was still cool ... all these rotary devices (nostalgia when you hold us !!!!)