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Yamaha DG Stomp

All user reviews for the Yamaha DG Stomp

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Value For Money : Excellent
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  • freedavefreedave


    Yamaha DG StompPublished on 03/28/11 at 15:54
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Not all effects are present but not the philosophy of this unit who wants ultra practice and concrete: no fuss. This is the ultimate in usability: simple effects and effective immediately accessible to foot and hand. Two types of input gain, digital output and presto you're on stage with a real preamp.


    Very simple to solve. Special mention for the equalizer which is effective without being drastic. Not need the manual except maybe for MIDI. But when we play at midnight ...


    SPECIAL! What sound! The clean sounds are clean, elastic, funky. Crunches and distos have torn the teeth that I love so much and who is not in consort and LINE6 (I had it al…
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    Not all effects are present but not the philosophy of this unit who wants ultra practice and concrete: no fuss. This is the ultimate in usability: simple effects and effective immediately accessible to foot and hand. Two types of input gain, digital output and presto you're on stage with a real preamp.


    Very simple to solve. Special mention for the equalizer which is effective without being drastic. Not need the manual except maybe for MIDI. But when we play at midnight ...


    SPECIAL! What sound! The clean sounds are clean, elastic, funky. Crunches and distos have torn the teeth that I love so much and who is not in consort and LINE6 (I had it all ...). Apart Sansamp, nothing sounds as good as this bike. I must say here that I branch direct console via a Palmer base (90 euros) which serves as speaker emulation DI box. Another thing: the CEO reacts to the volume of the guitar. For cons, the vintage sound is not to the extent the essence of vintage gear is located at the absence of certain frequency of wear and time. However, here the sound is full and rich. Voila!


    I bought 10 years ago, had sold, not convinced and I finally bought one a week ago ... it matures.
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