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Yamaha DG Stomp
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barriolibre barriolibre
Published on 01/04/05 at 02:53
Vor site or other opinion, I will focus on the sound.


The configuration is not simple but the REALLY a student, you get there ...


The amp models, which possdent no names, and are quite ralistes surprising if one takes the time couraging its pRSET. Indeed, the sounds are clear and respect the trs crystalline sound of your guitar pickups. A laborer can be warm and round with a crunch and very little distortion, a very clear and with the Clean prcis 1. If we add the reverb in qt reasonable, we get a powerful rsultat trs. I add effects pedals, and your exact convinces me really.
I finished recording a self produced album with the CEO for guitars and stomp a AW 2816 for recording (I do not work in yamaha) and I'm happy or trs happy rsultat di!


Trs a good choice for an amp simulator. I tried other simulators (Vox ToneLab and ToneLab SE, line6 pod xt ..) and I find it the height or more prcis ... So n'hsitez Figure!