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Zoom G2.1u
Zoom G2.1u

Multi-Effects for Electric Guitar from Zoom belonging to the G2 series

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batrasog batrasog
Published on 04/07/07 at 04:35
Beacoup effects available, more or less good quality (we'll see later), connectable to a PC for recording (we regret we can not edit effects from the PC, but hey ...).
Registration through this process is very good (especially for clean sounds).
Also has an expression pedal, very useful (but I am not telling you anything) and two push buttons. By the cons ... the quality is not there you: have to do acrobatics to activate both at the same time, and after a year they start messing around (go two effects when pressed once, or nothing at all .. . and it will not happen to me, I know someone who has the same pedal and the same problem).

At the inside, passing between two inaudible presets, you can edit separately (40 + 40 adjustable non-modifiable), drum machine very useful (has 40 patterns, only a dozen are used in practice).


Very easy (to push buttons by the famous ...), the manual details all the effects of a comprehensive, one can assign the pedal to several different parameters, nine effects can be put together in series (many choices sound so), while nickel is on that side.


The AC varies greatly depending on the effects, some are very good (distos cleans, 6-band equalizer, chorus, auto-wah) other very poor (pedal pitch, the vast majority of overdrives distos +). And that's where it poses a problem: having a distorted sound right requires a lot of time to add a certain amount of boost, review the equalizer 30 times, add a delay with low feedback, ... and even after the result is transcendent (not zero but could have been far better).
Proper registration of distos via USB is also a challenge.


I use it for a year with a Godin LG and a roland cube 50.
Positive side: the sounds clean, the many effects (reberb, delay, chorus), the drum machine, the pedal
Negative side: distos very average, push buttons, some unnecessary effects

But all this must be moderated by the price: the price / quality ratio is very good.
It's good to start on a model, but to discover and manipulate a variety of effects, to find the sound you want, ect ...

If I had the choice again ... I would hesitate really. If your amp chorus, delay and reverb, go your way and you buy separate pedals, otherwise, go y.