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LTD VB-400
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seb01 seb01
Published on 12/26/04 at 04:48
BARITONE-guitar, tuning factory in SI (12-56 shooting)
Scale-27 "
-Guitar made in Korea, like many California brands, (Esp the factories are in Japan!)
-24 Boxes, EMG 81 active, 3-position selector knob + 2 (Volume and Tone)
Price-700 eur (Thomann)


-The handle is easy to play, not too wide for a baritone, CHAC dernires the boxes is more than easy (see for the 1st ..!).
The violin is nickel-, hyper guitar sounds good without amp, strings prs of the handle without a frieze provided
-L or it is complicated in terms of ergonomics, as throughout the SG was a bad rpartition weight body / neck, but with this guitar it feels 10 times more!
The handle is so long (about 6 cm higher standard SG!), You add the 2 / 3 the weight of the guitar .. and well-nosed bottom! We must tell the manufacturers DPLA the point of attachment of the strap on the top edge of the body and copra allourdir ..!


-This guitar is for the idalie mtal very heavy, a disto prcise, Submitted with a lot of gain, but also with a grain trs own tight the opposite of what Korn.
The TRS-typs Metallica are clear, but attention has easily crunch, clear sound that's not an aggressive plutt Start! Sounds good with all the tunings, I try to SI, drop LA, LA and finally drop in C. I spend a little dtails, there are some good advice about trs EMG-81 in the topic.


I use it for a month and a half and I must say I am pleased by this story of SATIF rpartition weight which is pretty boring, though I used the SG I played on a Gibson Gothic for 2 years and I never had a problem, but the game APRS adpand Aplique that, for large heavy agreements are no worries because demand was too much pr decision.
-Since I have this guitar I feel like my Spar Gothic SG, the VB 400 is better in many terms (for mtal given below of course) I soon DPOS an opinion on the Gibson SG Gothic that can be compared.