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Tascam FireOne
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the bubble the bubble
Published on 09/13/08 at 01:43
Athlon 4800 +, 2GB dual channel DDR2, Gigabyte cm, hdd seagate 120 and 300GB, ATI Radeon 2600 400mb xt.port firewire texas instrument / s

use of the card: Audio recording vocals, guitar and piano (not all at once lol).


Everything is ok ... bravo tascam. (On win xp pro sp2). it&#39;s so easy to install at first I thought it did not live like that then it was good! I had never seen anything like it for any other stuff. on the other hand if you want to config panel of the card, go look in the install directory, I did not put it in the taskbar, so I created a shortcut on the desktop. ah adapts the sampling rate in cubase or other automatically, no need for tedious adjustments by hand as the dmx.


Super stable drivers for audio. attention however to the network that sizzle for the team son.dommage Fortess 2, I played with the onboard sound card, but I have not bought the tascam for that eh!
then the audio ..... not a breath happiness (except perhaps the preamps I have not thoroughly tested but it would be normal)! you do what you want recorded tracks, normalize, compress, it was the breath of those apps and the mixer (I have a ub 1202). latency is very good (5ms, we can push to the max to 2 ms but me I&#39;m fine, knowing that there is the audio zero latency which is great). the gain for the microphone is not great but I guess I need a preamp with. The sound is a little colder than my dmx 6 fire, I would say it is neutral but I prefer this way because I can do my settings after! I said: it is neutral recording, no audio playback of movies or music.
for now, I have tried to play two audio tracks at once, but the animal assumes good omens .....
midi I have done nothing but instrumentals virtual depend on the ability of the pc so I see no worries
Oh one last thing: great guitar input on the front, and the button to turn it on and off, it&#39;s super convenient!
I also stated that the jacks are only mono, not stereo (line-in I specify the outputs are stereo headphones).

I feel at least I&#39;ll finally be able to register my components on my piano (a u1). The only worry is that this card is so accurate we mean the limits of expressiveness of the musician and the instrument (I have not a Steinway although I wish .... but I can point!)

Finally, I use Cubase inwired, I can not in Ableton Live Lite 6 (I did not even looked at this log, for laziness). it works well except that I do not program the buttons on the tascam in ableton and I would like it to be practical.


I use it for two days ....

So I think for the moment is not very critical! but compared to the dmx 6, the day and night! a clarification, however I would note is the max because I have not paid the price (only 170 euros including postage in musicwest, and is found almost double on other sites) and at this price it is really good. for more, I found it a bit limited. I am super happy for now, I&#39;ll say more in a few months.

after a good week of use:
concerns the adjustment in the games was set by itself, no more worries!
for audio recording: there is a little breath, but I think it&#39;s inevitable without preamp. I have the card and the mixer then necessarily ..... as told in the tutorials and except for the mixer, the rest of my stuff is inevitable to buy. in any case the card is super stable .... not only negative drivers in ubuntu and impossible to contact them for now from Tascam. I still have not managed to operate the buttons of the card and I&#39;m still looking for help, thank you!

s after nine months of use

map super stable and super convenient, no regret buying! I managed to program the buttons and jog in Cubase SX and Ableton Live Lite 6 Finally! a real treat for the records. I will also try to work on my laptop to record my piano (pc compaq hp notebook 6715 b). The only downside is the creaking in the game use the network card (but do not worry, it only pro audio, no play). I think I would do this choice a thousand times (okay I exaggerate a little!).
for people who do not want to take the lead to set the audio pc for hours, this card is great. just for that, I put him full marks everywhere!

after two years and big thumbs down ...... no anger against tascam driver to win seven still does it work in Sonar 7 hs by chance, but not audio playback under win outside of sonar, inconsistency and direct x 10 11 course. and coincidentally, can not be contacted tascam. they were unable or unwilling to develop drivers for win 64 bit os. just for that I no longer buy anything from them, it&#39;s a scam.