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B.corde Chiltone CG7-152
B.corde Chiltone CG7-152
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Published on 10/15/05 at 05:43
Pounds in 2 days.

The particular feature I like best (hot):

- The fintion BEYOND (granite paint MDF dcoupe perfect wrist mtal bar, base bar for coupling, Neutrik connectors)
- The speaker of psence known and recognized (Beyma SM 115 / n and the small B & C DE10)
- The availability, kindness and listening to Samuel Rope screws to its customers

Antrieurs tests of other models

- Audiophony T, A, C
- Warf TEUs, LX
- Yamaha Club SERIES
- Peavey Pro 15
- And all that I have cost a right to left (JRX ...)

The GC7 152 are currently in the running, but the little I have heard and widely suprieur dja has a low level all the speakers I know. The difference with LiX or clubs is really gross

After testing the sound is quite dsormais round, the DE10 still fine. I was a little afraid that it lacks power before buying but it is not
it follows very well the SM115 / n. The mdium is present but without being too. In fact the enclosure itself is very well balance.
The bass is round and deep, For the price unheard of for me. The design of the filter is very srieuse, very well stick welded to avoid the filter vibrates etc ...
Musically very good filter of the rest (relay provides 2.5kHz between boomer and motor). The acute breathing.

Q / P


Such a finish, such srieux in the design, a Beyma SM115 / N and DE 10 429 euros for spices is quite remarkable

Exprience with, you will do again this choice? ...

No hsitation

I intend to switch to bi amp ELSEWHERE and return at B Rope

Remember that many speakers can be made at the request, that's really a plus. I would also add that I see many people who achettent in Germany, but believe me, take the trouble to abbord to look at the work that some artisans Fran ... I repeat myself but for 429 euros, it poustoufflant

The rating is 10/10 of course.