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B.corde Chiltone CG7-15P
B.corde Chiltone CG7-15P
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armando54 armando54
Published on 03/27/09 at 03:14
Short description:

2-way 500 watts AES 8 ohm
HP: 38cm Custom RCF L15 SERIES, B & C DE160 engine and flag RCF H100
BP: 45Hz - 20Hz - 100dB 1W/1m
Size: 700 x 450 x 400
Weight: 24 Kg

- How long have you use it?

5 days

- What is the particular feature you like best and least?

The best: the physical, made of sono pro, sober black.
The least: not to have another pair.

- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?

A pair of C-12 CHRE half and half so powerful!

- How do you report qualitprix?

I think it's excellent.

- With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...

I think so, if I had the means ds The beginning, if not impossible!

<p class="bbcode-offtopic"> Off topic: <span>I would give a true opinion by 2-3 weeks.
L is just to be the first, I would change ending for!</span>