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Electro-Voice Eliminator II DE
Electro-Voice Eliminator II DE
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anakine68 anakine68

«  In my view, a killer! »

Published on 03/18/12 at 08:07
Here, I give my opinion to "get things done", but it will not be insignificant, insofar as I started in animation.

I had acquired a pair of "double BOOST 38" and my faith, given the record, forums, advice on the net, I did not venture into making an evening with, too afraid to disappoint my customers, and then, I am among those who prefer "having underfoot".

Then, my choice fell on two models:

- JBL JRX 125
- Warfedhale Delta 215

Two problems, the price (but 'must be c'qui!) And buying "blind" (the net)

Suddenly, I found on ad, a pair of ElectroVoice "eliminator i".

It made me immediately connected because of the "reputation ElectroVoice"

So go with th seller, and there are branch "Baoum"!!

They "sonorisent" worry-free (and without pushing the gear) an indoor gymnasium the size of a basketball court, on its own is not saturated, deep bass and "bump" at will (so far from my poor boost !)

So you tell me the defects?

- First the price, so I made a deal but it is not the normal fare
- And then most importantly, the weight and size: 53 kg to more than 55 inches deep! Me I really do not (yet!) but it should still be able to carry them.

Now I can wear an opinion on the reliability of course, but what I have read, ElectroVoice seems solid.

Well, I hope that my opinion will be useful.