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Ardour 4 also on Windows?

Ardour will soon be upgraded to version 4, and the team wishes to officialize the Windows edition, but can’t do it without your help.

The Ardour team posted yesterday on their forum a quite unusual announcement asking for your contribution to launching the Windows version of the DAW.

Ardour on Windows is already available, but only unofficially and to subscribers, on a parallel platform but the team never provided any support, because they lacked time and knowledge of this OS. The unofficial Windows version must have received been interesting enough to encourage the developers to launch an official version of the DAW on Windows, along with the Mac and Linux editions.

Only, they still haven’t resolved the support issue for this specific OS. That’s the reason why they are asking for people’s help (they don’t necessarily need to be Ardour users, though it might help) to launch a support environment. They should be able to help users solving installation, device usage and other platform-specific issues when using Ardour on Windows.

Ideally, the team is looking for three or four persons with spread-out timezones and/or personal time habits so that they can quickly reply any request. Ardour would let them (you?) organize the support the way they want (web site, forums, e-mail, IRC channels…) and they are thinking of giving this support team extra income they receive from Windows users, though they still don’t know how Windows users will respond to Ardour yet. Ardour does not say anything about issues follow-up with the development team.

If you are interested, you can contact the development team through their mailing list. The announcement with the contact link is online at community.ardour.org/node/8705.

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