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Bremmers Audio Design MultitrackStudio 5

Bremmers Audio Design has announced the release of the version 5 of MultitrackStudio, the audio / MIDI multitrack recording program for Windows. The free Lite edition has also been updated to version 5.0.

MultitrackStudio 5MultitrackStudio has been carefully redesigned to make it easier and faster to use. Confusing things, based on user feedback, have been improved. The user interface has been streamlined and now offers several color themes to choose from.

Among the new features is the Song Editor, which can insert or remove parts from the song affecting not only the tracks but markers, tempo / time signature, chords, lyrics and automation as well. The new Multi MIDI Editor allows for editing multiple tracks in a single pianoroll. It is intended for working on string arrangements, etc.

Other new features include enhanced take management, sound-on-sound recording and song versions. The Pro Plus edition now features song templates.

The new version is available free of charge for users who purchased the program after April 1, 2007. Older versions can be upgraded for $39 (Pro Plus) / $23 (Professional).


  • Carefully redesigned to make it easier and faster to use.
  • Color themes: 3 new ones, and 2 classic ones.
  • Song Editor (insert or remove parts affecting “everything”: tracks, markers, tempo / time signature, chords, lyrics, automation).
  • Multiple notes can be selected simultaneously in MIDI editors using either Ctrl key or new lasso.
  • Multi MIDI editor: work with multiple tracks in a single pianoroll.
  • The new .aem file format allows for much faster audio editing than the .lst files did. Existing .lst files can still be read.
  • MIDI controller editors appear in track instead of separate window.
  • Mouse wheel can scroll editors vertically if mouse is over editor.
  • Files are no longer truncated at the point where recording starts (i.e. if you record over the first minute of a two minute track the second minute will still be there). You can no longer inadvertently lose audio recordings this way.
  • Sound on Sound Recording: recording without erasing what’s already there.
  • Song templates (Pro Plus edition only).
  • Multiple Solo: multiple tracks can be soloed simultaneously.
  • New effect / instrument selectors.
  • Main window remembers position/size and whether it’s maximized or not.
  • All effect and instrument windows have a “Presets” button. The presets no longer appear on the Shelf.
  • Effect and instrument slots have down arrow which pops up newly designed selector. Effect and instrument no longer appear on the Shelf.
  • Add Track menu replaces all mixer section related Shelf features.
  • Groups and Effect Returns can be added, removed and re-ordered while the transport is running.
  • Level Meters can optionally be twice as big.
  • Disabled (“grayed out”) items show tooltip explaining why they’re disabled.
  • Native Vista File Open/Save dialogs are now used on Windows Vista, instead of the old-style windows dialogs.
  • VST Output Mixer improvements: Solo and Mute buttons, Volume faders and Pan knobs can be automated (Pro Plus edition), Channel numbers equal the plugin’s numbers.
  • “Expand related sections only”: expand all mixer sections contributing to the sound of a track or group, and collapse all other sections.
  • Master Limiter gain reduction is shown in effect slot itself.
  • An imported audio file’s samplerate can optionally be converted if it doesn’t match the song’s samplerate.
  • Markers in imported .wav files can optionally be imported.
  • Songlist bar now has Play All button: can be turned off to avoid going to the next song inadvertently.


  • Songlist Properties window no longer opens all songs in order to read its properties.
  • VSTi automation timing resolution is now 4 times as accurate.
  • The Autodetect Keyboard feature now automatically detects you’re recording two tracks using two MIDI keyboards and will let you do so without you having to turn it off.


  • Audio punch-in recording related bug.
  • Some DXi plugins weren’t recognized.

Plus other improvements, fixes and performance enhancements.
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