Gibson SG Signature Pete Townshend - "Gibson Pete Townshend Signature SG"
I used this guitar to test a Pod 2.0 at Manny's Music on Sunset Blvd., in Los Angeles. It was selling for around $1100. t sounds smooth and plays well. I love P-90 pickups -- they make for a respo…
Gibson Pete Townshend SJ-200 - "Gibson SJ-200"
I purchased the guitar on the internet a few years ago, the list on it was $8000 United States dollars. I actually got a steal at $4950. I love the wonderful tone that the SJ-200 gives me. Its a v…
Gibson 50th Anniversary Pete Townshend SG - "SG Special with a reasonable price and cool finish"
The Pete Townsend SG is an interesting SG model. It is not really based off of one single guitar that Pete played because he played many SG's back in the day. This guitar is supposed to be like the m…
Gibson SG Signature Pete Townshend - t-tuxx's review
translatedThe Gibson Pete Townshend Signature SG presents some of the SG Standard CHARACTERISTICS: Profiles of the body and the handle (Obviously al) utiliss wood (mahogany sr good) but also some singularities…