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Published on 03/14/08 at 16:33
The Axe-Fx is a standard 2U rack offering simulation models (with Poweramp) firms and the following effects: chorus, compressor, delay, drive, * enhancer, flanger, forming *, equalizer, multidelay, pan / tremolo, parametric equalizer, phaser, pitch, reverb, rotary, wah-wah, mixer, vol / pan *.
Ultra version is available, with more memory, 25% more power and other effects which blocks a looper and an arpeggiator.
The technology used is digital.
The presets can be edited via the interface of the front axle. There are 384 (0-383) presets that can be loaded with 127 presets direct bank A, B, C. Java editor (still in beta), developed by a user "Lars" is available run more or less.
The shaft has a front panel instrument input.
On the back are:
_ A mono input, left / right instrument (TS)
_ 2 mono input, left / right instrument or FX Return (TS)
_ A mono output, left / right FX Send (TS and XLR balanced)
_ A control (1 expression pedal)
_ Control 2 (expression pedal 2)
The digital output works in 48khz/24bits.
The block "drive" a selection of overdrive pedals.
The block "enhancer" creates a stereo signal automatically breading with a slight delay.
The block "vol / pan" controls the volume or pan through a control pedal.
The block "delay" has parameters for modulation and Ducker Delay .. among others.
The block "cabs" have more simulations cabs / mic 10 user locations for loading impulse responses of firms. Fractal provided by a utility to convert sysex format impulse responses. (Missing a dll in the zip utility ...) For now it only takes into account the 11 ms of impulse response. This feature can be used for new reverberations among others.
The firmware is upgradable by sending sysex midi file. Cliff Chase the designer is regularly listen to the users on the Axis forum Fractal Audio and takes into account user requests (to the extent possible).
More information here:
The general configuration is simple if it is used for simple things. However, it offers a lot of combinations. If you want an amp and just chained a law firm that takes a few seconds, if you want to search for more complex sounds .. it can take the day, see this week (see + ).
Many settings are available at both the effects of the amplifiers is a trainer in that unit. It will read the manual to understand its usefulness. ReValver like some of these parameters are related to physical parameters of the modeled amp (bias adjustment, type tonestack, etc. ...).
Effects, amps and cabinets are available in blocks that are chain in a matrix of 4x12.
It has four routes used if desired and that we can route from beginning to end of the 12 blocks of the matrix. For each block "Amp" a page is available to adjust the output volume and pan. To control the effects of dry mix / effect is added.
There is 2 blocks to the amplifiers (two amps so chainable) and two blocks for each of the effects (except those marked with an asterisk).
Other blocks are available including insert effects loop or to make a U-turn at the signal in the matrix (feedback return / send).
The limit of sequence of these effects is supported by the processor.
I put 8 because it lacks an editor PC / Mac worthy of the name.
The effects are good, transparent (Reminds me of the effects of prophesy).
Amounts of U.S. users sell their eclipse and sometimes buy a second axis. As for me compared to my FireworX I find them better, the effects of FireworX are "cold" which is not the case here (beware the FireworX is a great device but for a guitar you pair it with a mic preamp for a more musical). Simulations of Block Drive could be improved is an application that I hope will be taken into account.
Personally I never use it, the saturation of amplifiers enough.
The treatment of I / O of the Axis is the best I have encountered this type of equipment. It is a strong point of the Axis.
This is not to say, as some manufacturers that it has quality converters blablabla ... you need to know to implement them and needs to be heard. By this means.
On this link you will find a recording made with the axis. A preset played with a Telecaster floral. No other effects or processing. Recorded live in 96khz 48khz ... resampled in order to be converted to mp3 ... ... mp3 converted resampled when downloading mp3/128kbps by SoundClick (I have a free account), that is what left:
The original version. Compressed wav (rar), 29MB total here:
(I said it's a preset, I have not added after the recording, the effect is the preset .. it's a one shot)
So the sound is good, it's a device that is best used directly with the speakers Full Range (monitoring or scene).
My only disappointment so far for clean sounds. Everything is relative of course, I try to reproduce the sound of twin reverb and I'm not yet arrived, although I have not explored all the amps at my disposal. The saturation is excellent. You need to have the guitar that goes well (for my case is a Chinese 100 euros which sounds better than my LP studio, imported by the English type told me she had good microphones and yes its Bareknuckle sounds like the Shaft )
I put 9 because perfection does not exist, but if there is a perfection to be achieved in terms of modeling is probably Fractal Audio that will reach the first since fx is the axis on the right track. Maybe with the release of a powerful DSP.
I've had two months. I am starting to emerge that is why I post this notice only today. I did not turn the machine that I spend my time to play around with the presets or the amplifiers. An amplifier with or without my Chinese cab to 100 euros and spits ... (I must make a sample for you to understand )
Today is the best device in my rack.
I rank the top:
_ I / O
_ Effects
_ Some amp simulations (the bassman, the Trainwreck, the powerball, the marshall etc ...) especially for saturated amplifiers.
I stay on my hunger for sounds clean.
What I think in the end .... an essential element for a recording studio that will save hours and hours to musicians.
And this time I put 10 because nothing comparable exists for now. I did not yet rid of my prophesy that I care for clean sounds and some of my saturation .. VG99 for modeling guitar, open tuning and sounds clear too.
I sell the prophesy may be one day.
It's expensive ... unless you buy in the United States, in this case it's worth every penny.
Ultra version is available, with more memory, 25% more power and other effects which blocks a looper and an arpeggiator.
The technology used is digital.
The presets can be edited via the interface of the front axle. There are 384 (0-383) presets that can be loaded with 127 presets direct bank A, B, C. Java editor (still in beta), developed by a user "Lars" is available run more or less.
The shaft has a front panel instrument input.
On the back are:
_ A mono input, left / right instrument (TS)
_ 2 mono input, left / right instrument or FX Return (TS)
_ A mono output, left / right FX Send (TS and XLR balanced)
_ A control (1 expression pedal)
_ Control 2 (expression pedal 2)
The digital output works in 48khz/24bits.
The block "drive" a selection of overdrive pedals.
The block "enhancer" creates a stereo signal automatically breading with a slight delay.
The block "vol / pan" controls the volume or pan through a control pedal.
The block "delay" has parameters for modulation and Ducker Delay .. among others.
The block "cabs" have more simulations cabs / mic 10 user locations for loading impulse responses of firms. Fractal provided by a utility to convert sysex format impulse responses. (Missing a dll in the zip utility ...) For now it only takes into account the 11 ms of impulse response. This feature can be used for new reverberations among others.
The firmware is upgradable by sending sysex midi file. Cliff Chase the designer is regularly listen to the users on the Axis forum Fractal Audio and takes into account user requests (to the extent possible).
More information here:
The general configuration is simple if it is used for simple things. However, it offers a lot of combinations. If you want an amp and just chained a law firm that takes a few seconds, if you want to search for more complex sounds .. it can take the day, see this week (see + ).
Many settings are available at both the effects of the amplifiers is a trainer in that unit. It will read the manual to understand its usefulness. ReValver like some of these parameters are related to physical parameters of the modeled amp (bias adjustment, type tonestack, etc. ...).
Effects, amps and cabinets are available in blocks that are chain in a matrix of 4x12.
It has four routes used if desired and that we can route from beginning to end of the 12 blocks of the matrix. For each block "Amp" a page is available to adjust the output volume and pan. To control the effects of dry mix / effect is added.
There is 2 blocks to the amplifiers (two amps so chainable) and two blocks for each of the effects (except those marked with an asterisk).
Other blocks are available including insert effects loop or to make a U-turn at the signal in the matrix (feedback return / send).
The limit of sequence of these effects is supported by the processor.
I put 8 because it lacks an editor PC / Mac worthy of the name.
The effects are good, transparent (Reminds me of the effects of prophesy).
Amounts of U.S. users sell their eclipse and sometimes buy a second axis. As for me compared to my FireworX I find them better, the effects of FireworX are "cold" which is not the case here (beware the FireworX is a great device but for a guitar you pair it with a mic preamp for a more musical). Simulations of Block Drive could be improved is an application that I hope will be taken into account.
Personally I never use it, the saturation of amplifiers enough.
The treatment of I / O of the Axis is the best I have encountered this type of equipment. It is a strong point of the Axis.
This is not to say, as some manufacturers that it has quality converters blablabla ... you need to know to implement them and needs to be heard. By this means.
On this link you will find a recording made with the axis. A preset played with a Telecaster floral. No other effects or processing. Recorded live in 96khz 48khz ... resampled in order to be converted to mp3 ... ... mp3 converted resampled when downloading mp3/128kbps by SoundClick (I have a free account), that is what left:
The original version. Compressed wav (rar), 29MB total here:
(I said it's a preset, I have not added after the recording, the effect is the preset .. it's a one shot)
So the sound is good, it's a device that is best used directly with the speakers Full Range (monitoring or scene).
My only disappointment so far for clean sounds. Everything is relative of course, I try to reproduce the sound of twin reverb and I'm not yet arrived, although I have not explored all the amps at my disposal. The saturation is excellent. You need to have the guitar that goes well (for my case is a Chinese 100 euros which sounds better than my LP studio, imported by the English type told me she had good microphones and yes its Bareknuckle sounds like the Shaft )
I put 9 because perfection does not exist, but if there is a perfection to be achieved in terms of modeling is probably Fractal Audio that will reach the first since fx is the axis on the right track. Maybe with the release of a powerful DSP.
I've had two months. I am starting to emerge that is why I post this notice only today. I did not turn the machine that I spend my time to play around with the presets or the amplifiers. An amplifier with or without my Chinese cab to 100 euros and spits ... (I must make a sample for you to understand )
Today is the best device in my rack.
I rank the top:
_ I / O
_ Effects
_ Some amp simulations (the bassman, the Trainwreck, the powerball, the marshall etc ...) especially for saturated amplifiers.
I stay on my hunger for sounds clean.
What I think in the end .... an essential element for a recording studio that will save hours and hours to musicians.
And this time I put 10 because nothing comparable exists for now. I did not yet rid of my prophesy that I care for clean sounds and some of my saturation .. VG99 for modeling guitar, open tuning and sounds clear too.
I sell the prophesy may be one day.
It's expensive ... unless you buy in the United States, in this case it's worth every penny.