Analog Man Juicer - mooseherman's review
This is a basic compression pedal. It has a 1/4" input and output. It cannot be edited with a Mac or PC, and is not MIDI-capable. There are no other outputs on this pedal. It is an analog compressor …
Analog Man Bi-Comprossor - songboy's review
This is simply two compressors side by side. It is a clone of the Famous Ross Comprosser and the Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer (Ross-->OJ). This is an all analog device. There is just three kno…
Analog Man Compressor 2 Knob - " CompRosseur"
translatedRoss type compressor reproduced by Analogman. This is a painted gray hammered painting artisan housing and which contains the circuit and a housing for the battery. The circuit is a replica of the Ro…
Analog Man Juicer - vegetablepredator's review
translatedThis pedal is a clone of Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer, a small box that is plugged directly to the output jack of the guitar and acted as a boost and compressor at the same time. The OS was used in …