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MXR M102 Dyna Comp Compressor
MXR M102 Dyna Comp Compressor
Linn Sondek Linn Sondek

«  The good compressor! »

Published on 05/01/13 at 01:14
Analog compression effect.
Robust housing with classic MR.


A knob volume level, one for the level of effect: hard to easy.
Manuel useless.
As always with MXR, catalog and Dunlop brand effects and other documents.


Indeed both effective and musical: the hallmark of MXR!
Used at the beginning of the chain with various Les Paul and Stratocaster.


This pedal has been one of the very first (Phase 90 with the Disto +, the big Muff and Small Clone: ​​in almost exactly the pedals that I had in my early youth) that I learned when I got rid of my Cyber ​​Deluxe and my multi-effects. Needless to say how much the gap is huge, in terms of musicality, between the compressor and what has a multi-purpose.
What characterizes this pedal, as indeed throughout the MXR range is above all his great musicality and class. Yes, to my taste, there's class, distinction in the MXR effects!
Everyone here knows what is and what a compressor, it is not necessary to return.
I most often used for fluidity that provides solo and therefore sustain. Like any compressor, and of course depending on the settings, it can erase the lead attack and I particularly appreciate the fact that close violoning he is able to get, especially since we play with fingers .
It allows me to get that one of the pedals that I owned and loved especially gave me the Roland Slow Gear (reprinted by Boss), alas found today. But it is of course much more versatile.
This pedal is at ease with any type of distortion, overdrive or fuzz. And I love all these combinations. It provides endless sustain with a Big Muff and humbuckers.
I have since acquired Vintage Reissue, even better, but carefully preserved.
A great product.