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Kings DL-1
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RawDeltaBlues RawDeltaBlues

«  Amazing! »

Published on 07/26/13 at 09:06
I bought this pedal to Toulouse for a pittance there a dozen years. I was at the time a small delay for reggae delusions and to offer my Gretsch slight slapback. Blues guitarist, my config 'is my favorite guitar, jack, an amp. I do not like the effects, true-bypass or not, still a little distort the sound of the guitar and calm the heat lamps.
But after trying dozens of delay in cattle with musicians from all walks of life, we all agreed, this small Chinese pedal is the best! It is 100% transparent, extremely warm effect, repeating identical to the original signal and the indestructible case (perhaps not the switch which nevertheless is still there). The electronics inside is very well done, simple, clean ...
The company that produces this effect is a giant electronics not at all specialized in music despite a complete line of amplifiers and effects. His specialty is the design of RFID tags. If music was a gamble, it is successful. Only negative I can not find this brand anywhere in Europe (and I travel a lot!). However, one can order it directly from the factory, but only several thousand ... :)