Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive - Chris-Janice's review
OD + Clean boost blendable. The output is OpAmp not transistor. The clipping OpAmp is a JRC4558 UTILIZATION Very Easy, or almost. Let say you can have all clean or mix OD and clean. The trick is to…
Voodoo Lab Tremolo - moosers's review
The Voodoo Lab Tremolo pedal is a guitar pedal that can be used with any electronic instrument in addition to an electric guitar. The pedal is an analog one and has standard 1/4 inch connections. I…
Voodoo Lab SuperFuzz - Audiofanzine FR's review
(Originally written by Mark Twang/translated from Audiofanzine FR) The Superfuzz is a '68 Jordan Bosstone Fuzz clone with two additional controls (Resonance and Tone). These two controls ar…
Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive - aidan.04's review
The Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive is an overdrive pedal built on an interesting concept. It is has an 808 Tube Screamer style overdrive circuit to boost the signal, and a "clean" control blends …
Voodoo Lab Micro vibe - aidan.04's review
The Micro Vibe is Voodoo Lab recreation of the original Dunlop Univibe from the 60's and 70's that replicated the effect of a rotating speaker cabinet. It was most famously used by artists such as Ji…