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Behringer Ultra Flanger UF100
Behringer Ultra Flanger UF100
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Thibault des Walker Texas Bang Bang Thibault des Walker Texas Bang Bang
Published on 02/01/07 at 15:53
A flanger, a copy of BOSS flanger with two mode, you can choose a lon using a switch (so it's a "modeling" but it is analog, ie for those who landed in the guitar world ti that the circuit well and manly pa digital, a kind of mini computer that you spell its all a cold ^ ^)


Well then 4 button, no volume or tone, four button is fully dedicated to the purpose and c rather well .. lol I put that 8 of the absence of a basic two button! At the same time cazez 6 button on a pedal c cho! So good is the rule knob found his sound! the 2 button is missing is no great loss, although the tone may be inportant ... m'enfin brief


The method is rather a modern clean, Mode 2 is rather vintage psyche

2 mode frankly very friendly but rather I use the 1, 2 requires different settings, both the réglagle that sounds very much about how a sound tro smilchbrouff on mode 2 and vice verssa, so we really pedal 2 one, two different flanger ...

with one, I can have exactly the sound of Rooster Alice in Chains .... voilou if you want the MP3 demo persso effect contact me "crazy squirrel _ _ 411 @ hotmail. com"



I love this pedal! oh I would do given my budget forcing this choice