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< All Hipshot GT1 Grover Guitar Xtender reviews
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Hipshot GT1 Grover Guitar Xtender
Hipshot GT1 Grover Guitar Xtender
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TAJ873 TAJ873

«  Yes, but ... »

Published on 01/24/13 at 01:55
I use it on my main guitar, a Godin redline. Installation simple enough, he must still make a small hole on the head for mounting.
Once in place use is very simple, a little nudge on the wheel and goes on Drop D (or other depending on the setting).
It's great but unfortunately the tuning tends to move a little, if I reproduced this gesture several times I have to repeat the tuning slightly.
So 5 because for the price, the gadget is very dear to my taste again knowing that it takes a tuning (even light)