Speedy Z
Published on 08/01/21 at 20:32
Best value:
I have found Patrick to be a very intellectual person to chat with. This makes the experience personal and meaningful. For some that may not be important. If it’s not, you certainly can consider it a perk nonetheless. Patrick let me know that this was the fastest material for a pick. He was right! Also, this particular shape is special. The weight behind it really puts some “boom” in every note. This shape sits in my hand like it was DESIGNED for my hand. Isn’t this what we all want? All of the shapes Patrick makes fit like a glove. For me, this is just one of my favorites. So with all of that booming tone, also comes a certain slipperiness. The attack is still VERY sharp. But the amount of effort it takes to get over the string, is non existent. I don’t like squeezing small picks that hold me back, and I don’t like material to get caught up. Both of these negative factors are gone with this pick. I want more people to put one in their hand. It’s a special experience. I want people to understand how fluid they can be with these shapes and materials. And why look for someone who is copying? Read the description: He introduced this material in 2011. Anyone else marketing it and not mentioning Patrick are simply piggy backing. Support the man who did it first. Support the man who does it best. Support the artisan who treats you best. The one who answers all of your questions the same day… Patrick is kind, funny, patient, and helpful. But if you just want the best picks, you don’t need to converse… just buy them. I personally enjoy the perk of speaking to the man himself. But at the end of the day, as a player we really need to possess and utilize his creations. Torlon is pricey for a reason. The chunks of it that he uses are more than half the cost of the pick. Do the math, he’s not making much off of one of these Torlon builds. I’m grateful to own one. You will be too. This is a crazy game changer. Accuracy, fluidity- MAX!