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Seymour Duncan AHB-1S Blackouts HB Set
Seymour Duncan AHB-1S Blackouts HB Set
Izard6 Izard6
Published on 04/23/10 at 10:13
I had in the past a rather mixed with regard to active pickups with the stars of the class what the duo Emg85/81. In the end, despite their undeniable qualities I blamed a certain coldness and especially sound quite synthetic reminded me that my amp was not a lamp but transistors. In short I had not been conquered and the experiment was stopped after a few months of cohabitation by separation.
There was still active in things like precision and silence that I found interesting and that I sometimes regret. And then along comes an outsider in the market who bragged to do better and so bring down the monopoly EMG. So being curious I threw myself into the adventure blackouts.
With regard to the look and assembly, by the mark on the mic is simply the same.
Indeed one of the arguments to migrate from SD on blackouts is to note that simply replacing one by the other without touching electronics. The boiboite however, contains everything needed to start from 0 and if you had liability is what to do.
Note that in my case I used the blackouts EMG85/81et set on the same guitar to an Ibanez RG2620 Prestige know and so my decision is not altered by external criteria subjective.
Other arguments and not least is the silence of SD (-14dB announced) and especially an active pickup that keeps the best of two worlds: the warmth of one another and accuracy that far n had never been realized.
So true false? We will see this.
Well first when you take active pickups is usually not done in lace.
To the side, you can trust the blackouts. This microphone is going to chop menu ears. This is clearly a killer especially easel next course. The sound is big, heavy, with a fairly pronounced hump in the midrange. While it's still super accurate with impressive sustain. The blackout also excel in the creamy sound with endless sustain for so that the material can follow behind. Remember to revise downwards the level of gain on your amp and equalizer
For the blackout is over at the gentleman saturax. Note that the best result I got is a slightly lowered the volume to calm the beast. The sound becomes magical precision while remaining aggressive.
For the most part civilized the neck pickup is more than his job too well. If the crystalline sounds are not strict there is a good round. It perfectly complements her boyfriend and some points as the game I prefer tapping the same.
Is the blackout is as warm as liabilities? Well I say yes almost. I think the difference is very small may even be only psychological (knowing we are playing on what the asset). In any case it is much better than EMG. Specifications therefore respected.
And about harmonics? The good pick too. Yanaplein. It's whistles, it bursts it leaves all sides.

The level of silence is indeed impressive. My ears tell me it's not crack. Using a noise gate is much less necessary unless extreme sounds of course.

So what we could blame him for this nice pair (Ouarf, Ouarf ...)?
The only thing that bothers me a bit is this bump may be too prominent in the media that it is difficult to correct even with a good equalizer.
The blackout requires a specific setting of gain and equalization compared to any other microphone.
Thus, the blackout is going to be a problem if you want to use the same amp with other guitars are not equipped with blackouts. If you're on the programmable midi hardware you can get away with assigning a specific EQ. On a head 2 or 3 channels that will be more problematic. It's not really a problem of micro lui_même but it is something that must be taken into account.

So for those who are interested in a comparison with EMG you'll understand my heart wide scale blackouts for set. It is simply more natural but also more powerful and certainly quieter. If I gave one I'm not about to abandon the other.
Note that there's a version AHB-2 even more aggressive. I have not tried it but it must be a real beef (maybe even too much). Also a model AHB-3 set created by Mick Thomson, who takes the concept of AHB-1 but apparently with a better balance. The admit that I am interested because it regulates the only complaint that I do in AHB-1.
In any case, the model that reconciled me with the active pickups.