Seymour Duncan Hot Rodded Humbucker SH-4 and SH-2 Set - "Vintage look and all around tone"
This is the Seymour Duncan SH-4 Zebra pickup. I think its cool that they put out their popular pickups with different colored bobbins so you can get a different look for your guitar. The Zebra bobbin…
Seymour Duncan Dave Mustaine LiveWire Set - "Like an active set of the JB/Jazz combination"
Dave Mustaine has been using Duncans for a while. Mustaine is the founder of the popular thrash band Megadeth. He was using the JB/Jazz setup right before switching to these. These pickups came out l…
Seymour Duncan AHB-1S Blackouts HB Set - " Puuuuur"
translatedI used recently to replace a pair of EMG 81/85 ESP a Ninja. Although the EMG 85 stands up very well in the neck position for clean leads and parts were missing a little personality. The 81 I can no…
Seymour Duncan STL-1S Vintage '54 Tele Set - Kalamo's review
translatedI have these possible pickups on a Mexican tlcaster. The original pickups were not worth anything ... and met with love my garbage! The punch is amazing and the roundness of the tlcaster is by ap…
Seymour Duncan STL-1S Vintage '54 Tele Set - Newcas's review
translatedJust to confirm the view Previous: I have just changed the pickups in my telecaster nashville deluxe by Seymour '54 vintage, and it's all good (I use to replace cables origins in the history of blind…
Seymour Duncan SPH90-1S Phat Cat Set - royuth's review
translatedI put these two mics on my SG, I sought a compromise between the guitars I tried. I am a big fan of the genre tl simple snaps and I have a good output level. What makes the particularity of these m…
Seymour Duncan SH-6S Duncan Distortion Mayhem Set - pinou's review
translatedThe kit consists of Mayhem 2 microphones SH6. So the big sound, and also the big sound. It is therefore completely unnecessary to consider any flexibility with these pickups definitely oriented met…
Seymour Duncan SPH90-1S Phat Cat Set - lapinmalin's review
translatedI did put the phat cat there about ten months now. It works well. On my AC30, a sound of thunder. I tried once a les paul studio, a team of specially SERIES P90. It's warmer, but less than aa attack.…
Seymour Duncan Alnico II Pro Tele Set - Dgelekid's review
translatedI was looking for pickups to replace the original ones on my fender tl (MODL Japan) say frankly that the taient for!! Only the rhythmic micro silent and out drinking a cool sound but the ds is ha…
Seymour Duncan AHB-1S Blackouts HB Set - greatsessions's review
translatedHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan !!!!!!!!!! dla baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalle!! I have been using 1H and I plant my neck in the middle position bridge, killing the rho lala! I connect directly i…
Seymour Duncan STS-3 Quarter Pound Tele Set - J r's review
translatedI use these mics for a few months, and after some adjustments (height, the handle, etc.). I am very happy. Mounted on a Telecaster assembly by me, the quarter pound sound terribly well. You lose sign…
Seymour Duncan STS-3 Quarter Pound Tele Set - Desmodue's review
translatedI installed a pair of microphones "Quarterpound" (STL3 + str3) 2 years ago to customize a TV special enough (mahogany body, maple neck). Installation: RAS just know how to use a soldering iron and …
Seymour Duncan AHB-1S Blackouts HB Set - JoeBAR85's review
translated_ I use the pair since August 2008. They are mounted in a LAG Harmaster. No worries mounting, the battery housing niquel in the trapping of the selector. + + + After the comparison with EMG (81/…
Seymour Duncan AHB-1S Blackouts HB Set - Ajisai's review
translatedI use my blackouts for a little less than a week on an ESP LTD F-2E. So this is a hot opinion. First, I play metal, and the pickups are absolutely awesome. The distorted sounds are very beautiful:…
Seymour Duncan AHB-1S Blackouts HB Set - mattdll's review
translatedI use a pair of microphones Blackout September 2008 (ie around 6 months back), I really hsit between them and the well-known pair EMG 81/85 but I thought it was necessary try a little and not stay in…