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Valve Art Technology 1057 Set
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lobo lobo
Published on 06/06/09 at 04:43
I use it for 3 years on a 335 instead of 1967 (improved micro original).
What's great about these pickups is the richness of sound. My microphone was still a T TOP Gibson original 1960s. The 1057 brings a fullness, a richness of sound added.
When I do a bend to the 12th box, clean sound without any effect, it has a direct its creamy, blues, a bit like David Gilmour. Or think of the solo on Kravitz It Is not Over ... for example. It is as if the sound was naturally doubled (which some try to imitate with a chorus effect). From what Stephen told me is because the winding handmade gives irregularities that create more harmonics, warmth in the sound.
I tried many guitars and microphones before choosing Valve Art.
This mic is obviously more expensive than Duncan, but comparing the handmade, one piece at a time, with mass production. About 200 € for a microphone that can be changed at will if it does not fit, it does not seem so expensive. The microphone is a play that is half the sound of an electric guitar, and once installed you lug around unlike an amplifier. Since I mounted the microphone, my guitar sounds better in all types of amps (Twin, Jazz
chorus, transistors, Marshall, etc..)
Mathieu Cheddid, Slash, Poppa Chubby, Steve Lukather, use these microphones.
I am about to go on a Telecaster, if Stephen is still a bit in France ...