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Danelectro DJ-25 Chromatic Tuner
Danelectro DJ-25 Chromatic Tuner
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8oris 8oris
Published on 02/10/08 at 06:39
After 6 months of use:

<ul> : Arrow: typical Danaelectro Design,
: Arrow: Works by LED, a green when the note is just a straight red if the note is too high, and left if the note is too low.
: Arrow: backlit display
: Arrow: Supports multiple types of tuning even relatively low (drop C & B)
: Arrow: No buzz or hum on my model </ul>

: Arrow: I doubt the robustness of the thing but usually for the use that is in fact, it's still good enough
: Arrow: The place of entry is a bit distorted but you get used to.
: Arrow: No mute, too bad but not essential
: Arrow: It takes a little patience with the responsiveness of the pedals for tuning in drop B. </ul>

Great little pedal, compact and efficient. For 35/40 euros, this pedal does its job.
The few make me less to 9 / 10 while a 10/10 would be richly deserved in this price range