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Schaller Tremolo
Schaller Tremolo
N2h2 N2h2
Published on 03/04/12 at 09:56
Mounted on guitar luthier for 2 years, at earlier used in place of jackson floyd on my DK2.

Accurate and robust, this will be the two words to choose first.

-No easier or harder to settle a pink original in revenche more precise.

-Much more resistant to wear than the Gotoh (edge ​​pro & Related) as used for 4 years, mine has no wear marks, my Gotoh chrome has lost his place in the hand rests or less 2 years: (.
With adjustable wear-free power cords knives.
The not referred does not eat up the allen wrench hole remains perfectly hexagonal, even forcing it.

-Screws of adjustment for height was not very late for a very precise adjustment (unlike the bulk of copies is not Jackson and ESP)

Can replace a floyd-jackson, esp, ibanez, without any modification of violin, surely the other but I do not advance on this point.

-The pack includes floyd, springs, stop bar, basically the kit is complete.

The only downside is that there is not "black chrome or cosmo black"

Floyds of all tested, this one remains my favorite because of its robustness and back are a perfect balance without any default, the view of most of the paint friction is far superior to competitors.

It just does not deserve 10/10 is not available because in many colors which for me have been a plus.