Published on 02/12/08 at 03:24
I use it for the past three months.
The characteristic I like most is the look vieillo, and obviously the prize because of his age (released in 1982).
It is in these cases recognize that a good brand ... Yeah it works and nickel. Pioneer thank you.
That's carcatéristique:
Release year 1982
Power: 2x50 watts (estimated)
2 pairs of HP
Inputs: tuner / phono / tape / video to
Taken to switch back: 2 max power 80 watts (for connecting an analog K7, a tuner or CD player without connecting to the wall)
Unswitch taken: 1 100 watts max power
I use it to serve as a home studio amp, well, I'm very very happy. Top Can I plug a turntable for sampling (back on a table connected to my sound card), radio (and yes there are some who still listen to my cd player !!!), and one pat my computer and a small switch allows me to use the tape input 2 for my sound card.
I understood that it may seem a little hard, but for 5 euros in emmaus, I think I found the gem. Because the sound is as I said nickel. When I turn the knob for bass, or scale trebble still see he has no hard ear. I know it serves me a little is nothing these settings ... But all that to say that Pioneer, that old well, and sometimes not worth putting in miles and cents is an amp for the studio, then that most people are like me, they do not see the difference!
So I put 10 for the price the sound and look ...
The characteristic I like most is the look vieillo, and obviously the prize because of his age (released in 1982).
It is in these cases recognize that a good brand ... Yeah it works and nickel. Pioneer thank you.
That's carcatéristique:
Release year 1982
Power: 2x50 watts (estimated)
2 pairs of HP
Inputs: tuner / phono / tape / video to
Taken to switch back: 2 max power 80 watts (for connecting an analog K7, a tuner or CD player without connecting to the wall)
Unswitch taken: 1 100 watts max power
I use it to serve as a home studio amp, well, I'm very very happy. Top Can I plug a turntable for sampling (back on a table connected to my sound card), radio (and yes there are some who still listen to my cd player !!!), and one pat my computer and a small switch allows me to use the tape input 2 for my sound card.
I understood that it may seem a little hard, but for 5 euros in emmaus, I think I found the gem. Because the sound is as I said nickel. When I turn the knob for bass, or scale trebble still see he has no hard ear. I know it serves me a little is nothing these settings ... But all that to say that Pioneer, that old well, and sometimes not worth putting in miles and cents is an amp for the studio, then that most people are like me, they do not see the difference!
So I put 10 for the price the sound and look ...