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Sony MDR-V500
Sony MDR-V500

HiFi/audiophile headphone from Sony belonging to the MDR series

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Ti fayah Ti fayah
Published on 08/19/07 at 17:37
How long have you use it?

6 months

What is the particular feature you like best and least?

strangely I see that I am the only deu.
this headphone is unable to decendre under 90Hz (you must admit that for a fan of reggae or drum and bass is annoying).
I ask the impossible, but when there are sub-bass jaimerai hear them!

So here are missing a large part of the spectrum.
useless equalizer to death, the headphone saturates ..

I mean not even the comfort (it's close to torture) even after 6 months a twist in all directions I'm still not.

Exprience with, you will do again this choice?

no, and I say that I have not chosen, c'tait a gift.

test it before you buy!