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Audience NOVA T4
Audience NOVA T4
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Tito33 Tito33
Published on 11/03/05 at 08:56
I have a pair for 2 years (combined central and T3 C3 surround + sub) driven by a Denon AV-3803 amp.
After two days to make comparative listening in auditoriums in Paris, still not satisfied with what I heard, a vendor offers me this listening and there was the revelation.
Exactly what I wanted to hear: a medium present but not too far forward, which spin up of acute and above all a serious deep and very tight. the feeling of hearing a large system together at home.
value for money is Excellent, I am satisfied with stereo and surround (CD / SACD), as in home theater.
I cancel service the sub of the facility is not justified in the new room where they are installed.
It is true that it need space to give even the best of them, a minimum of 25m ² I feel reasonable.

if it is re !!!!????!!!
I think I'll change the T3 surround by another pair of T4 to take the full measure of my SACD surround ...