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Epiphone Noel Gallagher Supernova
Epiphone Noel Gallagher Supernova

Hollow Body/Semi Hollow Body Electric Guitar from Epiphone belonging to the Noel Gallagher series

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Published on 02/28/12 at 11:23
for characteristics see other opinions.


the handle is typical of half body Epiphone. I own several. the guitar is not too heavy and pretty well balanced. If you like half cash will be appreciated that type of comfort but for the amateur lightweight guitar with great access to acute and super playability abstain. This is not done to dalleur.


This guitar suits me perfectly. Sound very rock'n'roll and despite what one might believe that cash level distortion very well if you like her fat (which I love). Level clear sound, the sound is very bluesy and little cruncher quickly. Lover of his crystalline go your way.
For my part I play in orange and marshall and the guitar sounds of hell in a spirit rock and roll.
Note that the beast also sounds great on fender especially for its clear. fat sound of the guitar is well balanced with the snap of fender (hot rod for me)
For me this is a fairly versatile guitar suitable for rock, pop rock, blues, stoner, grunge ...
For my part, the addition of new micro is needed. Indeed, given the quality of finish and violin deserves micro gibson. This was done on the Epiphone Nick Valensi why not on the supernova?
Personally I think putting two classic 57 and classic 57 classic and 57 +. I own a Epiphone BBKing on which I set up two classic 57 and it was well worth it. The guitar comes into its own.


I use the guitar recently, but it's a while since I use a half box to play rock and I've never been disappointed. I recently tested a Gretsch Electromatic and I much prefer the epiphone epiphone even with his microphone.
What I like most about this guitar is its look.
His side is pretty good but it could be excellent with micro gibson.
Bought 400 euros I do not regret my purchase at all, since the time I was looking at not too expensive, because those who sell 800 euros just by what the model is no longer I think it's abused.
As it is worth between 400 and 500 euros. With micro gibson between 600 and 650 but not more I think. In any case I would not put more. ^ ^