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Wem Watkins COPICAT SOLID STATE WATKINS - RiBee's review
translateddelay and reverb 100% analog tape. Available settings: - Activation of read heads (1 head 3 speed limit, several heads: reverb) - General volume - Determination of the effect, which allows a …
Wem Watkins COPICAT SOLID STATE WATKINS - latza67's review
translatedTape echo: echo of the slap up to the feedback delay which would be fully Transistor technology (70's) Not editable Connection jack: 2 inputs with a gain per input / 1 output Pedal UTILIZAT…
Wem Watkins audiomaster - tchentchen's review
translatedNo rack 5 lanes 1 reverb 1 circuit monitor while jack equ presence treble bass UTILIZATION Hyper Single SOUNDS Very colorful very very crystalline with severe hot equ a l…