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Crel Serial Killer
Crel Serial Killer
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antoine1971 antoine1971
Published on 07/04/07 at 08:13
I am professionally for fifteen years and I use the Serial Crel from home since a season now.

It is a combination of circumstances and especially my bass player, who spoke of Crel. In fact I changed twice a Seymour Jeff Beck due to coil flinguée (classic seems to be! But twice is enough). I did not want to buy a third, not want to change that, but because of his career (for a chain of Televison moreover ..) I could no longer afford to risk failure. Our bass player that uses Crel therefore directed me to them.

It's very tough reliable (I understand why they guarantee lifetime!) That does everything and thus a perfect mix of sound palettes Dimarzzio Seymours. You can go there with closed eyes.
A colleague set up a T Rex on his own and it's heavy .. heavy.
I would say the Serial provides additional flexibility for a humbucker. Even Split on a spool that hangs well. Good job.

Antoine 1971