111 videos
Plonk Overview
Intellijel Atlantis Eurorack Modular Synth Voice …
Intellijel Atlantis demo1
Rubicon II sub warp
Rubicon Ii: Warping Sine
Rubicon Ii Tzfm Sweeps
Planar Ii - Synced Cv Recording
Morgasmatron growling drones
Morgasmatron acid riffing
Karplus Strong Synthesis on the Rainmaker
Rainmaker - Cv Selection Of Presets
Modal Synthesis With Rainmaker
Rainmaker - Comb Resonator Section
Rainmaker - Utility Operations Tutorial
Rainmaker - Delay Section Tutorial
"Scandinavian Rain" — Waldorf Kb37 noodling
Intellijel Plonk - Namm 2017 - Patchwerks Seattle
intellijel rubicon + malekko dual borg rhythm mac…
Modular noodling with Intellijel Rubicon
Intellijel Rubicon Modulated By Mutable Instrumen…
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