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AudioTrak Maya - LePoulpe's review
translatedISIS to replace my (APRS migration in XP), I chose the card Maya. Cheap, good perfs for use with Cubase SX + VSTi + guitar & voice. I have a PIII 666 with 512MB and what to be disk (a partition par…
AudioTrak Maya 7.1 PCI - Barbe a Papa's review
translatedMy choice was motivated by the t price, Asio 2.0 drivers and the number of out of this card. I used Cubase SX (buying the card in December 2002) and the sound card to the motherboard Intgr know the…
AudioTrak Maya - Anonyme's review
translatedPCI audio card acquisition Card cheap 900 FRF www.audiotrak.net 20 bit 48 KHZ The converters are excellent quality and sound very very clean. In fact this card is a hidden Egosys (www.Egosys.ne…