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< All Creamware PULSAR II XTC reviews
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lucio fulci lucio fulci
Published on 12/20/05 at 23:55
The idea of ​​having a card dedicated to just plug attracted me, I was tired of seeing row and plant my PC all the time ... especially since the critics (including recording mag) were very good
I use a PC 3.2 with 512 megs of ram, TerraTec dmx6fire, Windows XP Pro
I had a little trouble getting audio demos before you buy, creamware avaresur this is very .... So bad point!


Installation to calculate first of all: the card is 26 cm long ... So see if your camera accepts ...
otherwise no particular problem. The file identification number, copy protected, is provided on disk ... to be calculated as if you do not drive!


Big problem ... XTC mode is supposed to work in cubase sx ... 90% of effects plug-ins do not work, I just have a small window with nothing in it ... installation, re-install to no avail. I also have a synth that does not work either (poison).
creamware that does not say is that you can not use the plugs with some software sequencer: Can not use anything with fruity loops, for example! (A feature of the audio engine ...)
the level of instruments in cubase is oddly low, I continually have to improve by means of compressors virtual. Also, can not export a mix without doing REAL TIME, otherwise there is invariably an audio delay ....
I tried to ignore xtc mode, and route the signal using the synoptic scope. It is relatively heavy as manipulation, and long enough to be on track


I use (or rather I have) the pulsar for three months
I'm excited based on the tests published in magazines and on the net. I must say that the reputation of this stuff is highly overrated. It is a unfinished concept, not so at all, not friendly either. Virtual instruments are average, some vsti (eg arturia.) Are better, too much!! what struck me are the pads: None of the six or seven instrumentals with the map still has good, it's like being tested freeware two dozen euros (and still ....)
short, do not rely on the statements of creamware site: they will simply hide and simply great disadvantages and limitations (many) of the card ...
If it again, I would be a 2nd PC to use system link, or a TC PowerCore apparently more stable .. to check!