Jack OS X Updated
NewsJack OS X was recently updated to version 0.86, which addresses several issues in the CoreAudio driver, especially when used with Apogee cards.
Jack OS X Update
NewsJack OS X has been updated to v0.85, which addresses a problem with the Jack OS X plug-ins being closed after the main Jack server has been shut down.
Jack OS X Updated
NewsJack OS X has been updated to v0.84, which removes the requirement to use Aggregate Device on Intel Macs.
Jack OS X Update
NewsJack OS X has been updated to v0.83, which adds Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6.x) support, and also now comes in two different packages, a legacy 32 bit version, and a "mixed" 64/32 bit version as well.
Jack OS X Software Update [Freeware]
NewsJack OS X has been updated to v0.82.
Jack OS X Updated to v0.81
NewsJack OS X has been updated to version 0.81.
Jack OS X Updated to v0.80
NewsJack OS X has been updated to v0.80.