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Kasuga T350 - Jim92's review
translatedJapanese-made (for the record, Kasuga silent a luthier who made the guitar too large to meet demand TOKAI guitars). Kasuga until 1996, has manufactured guitars by copying the top brands (Gibson, Fend…
Kasuga M50 - " My little darling"
translatedJapanese Mandolin A-2 oval hole pointers to the likely early 80s 70s finder, movable bridge type Gibson, head of Florence, 24 frets (via a small extension), all acoustic (no mic), truss rod, table so…
Kasuga T350 - execut's review
translatedguitar made in Japan in early 1970s Zero-fret mahogany neck 12-string for a very playable 12-string adjustable easel UTILIZATION Dreadnaught size violin made for length 40 and she didn't blurry…