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Technics SX-KN7000
Technics SX-KN7000
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Gd02 Gd02
Published on 01/30/06 at 15:20
Hello musicians,
Tonn I do read any comments on the Technics KN7000 is regrtable not boast this apareil that offers everything that can be DSIR, especially if you play alone in public .
One can, as I do, make their own patterns that will be accompanying personal store on the SD Card will and mind quickly trs, one is never Exceeds because if a rate does not exist in the accompanying panel, just to make the dialer, your exact homemade is guaranteed.
Thank you for reading and please feel free to ask me questions about this product.


The configuration of the 7000 KN done well, I just galr mmory the pannel which is rounded, while the pannel on my KN6000 is long, but now I am used to.
The edition sounds trs is complete, in addition, all sounds are processed and mmorisables infinity.
When the explanation, it is in French and trs explcite


I use it since June 2005 and most of this apareil is the SD Card is fast trs is not fragile unlike a hard drive and it has a storage capacity standard.
I had a Yamaha, Roland and I have two my Technics 5 am and I have no desire to change because I can play whatever I want with this apareil.
I buy it back if necessary.
Thank you.