2,148 videos
Korg Nu Tekt Nts-2 : La Boite À Outil Du Synthés…
New: The Free Minilogue Xd Ultimate Patches Pack
ps i love you
Que Choisir Entre Elektron Et Korg ? La Matinale …
Introducing The Korg Multi/Poly Synthesizer
M-Vave Elemental budget delay pedal: lofi and rev…
Amt Th-1 Tube Hall Reverb & Delay: One Pedal To F…
8-bit inspired music meets the Dynachord Echocord…
Arion DDS-1 delay & sampler: rare japanese #pedal…
Arion DDS-1 delay & sampler: rare japanese #pedal…
Semi-Modular Synth Fits On A Nintendo Cartridge A…
Korg Z1 Demo Part 1
Korg Nts 3 : Le Retour Du Kaoss Pad - La Revue Ho…
5 unique delay effects with the Korg DS-10 synthe…
Classic Korg DS-10 sequences through software, di…
Classic Korg DS-10 sequences through software, di…
Chorus effect + volca keys + cassette tape record…
Introducing The Korg Fisa Suprema Digital Accordi…
Phantom - Cobalt 8X Patch
Recording 13 Chrome Tapes At 3.75 Ips: Type 2 Cas…
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